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        İngiliz-Amerikan Besteciler Konseri - İstanbul DOB

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        İngiliz-Amerikan Besteciler Konseri - İstanbul DOB

        “At the River” (Hymn Tune) (Düzenleme: Aaron Copland) Emre GÜNGÖR
        S.BARBER: Four Songs, Op.13 No.3: “Sure on This Shining Night” E. Tuğba TEKIŞIK
        R.QUILTER: 5 Shakespeare Songs, Op.23 No.1: “Fear No More the Heat o’the Sun” Ayşe Sinem EKŞİOĞLU
        R. V. WILLIAMS: Songs of Travel No.1:“The Vagabond” Emre GÜNGÖR
        R.HAGEMAN: “Do not go, my love” E. Tuğba TEKIŞIK
        G.F.HÄNDEL: Semele, HWV 58 Jupiter “Where’er you walk” Burcu SOYSEV
        A.SULLIVAN: The Mikado Yum- Yum “The sun, whose rays are all ablaze” Ayşe Sinem EKŞİOĞLU
        V.HERBERT: The Fortune Teller Sandor “Gypsy Love Song” Emre GÜNGÖR
        A.COPLAND: Twelve Poems of Emily Dickinson “Heart, We Will Forget Him!” E. Tuğba TEKIŞIK
        G.HOLST: Four Songs for Voice and Violin,Op.35  I.Jesu Sweet II.My soul has nought but fire and ice III.I syng of a mayden IV.My Leman is so true Burcu SOYSEV / Keman: Arda GÜVEN

        D.MOORE: The Ballad of Baby Doe Elizabeth ‘Baby’ Doe “Dearest Mama” Ayşe Sinem EKŞİOĞLU
        R. V. WILLIAMS: Songs of Travel No.3: “The Roadside Fire” Emre GÜNGÖR
        S.BARBER: Vanessa,Op.32 Erika “Must the Winter Come So Soon?” E. Tuğba TEKIŞIK
        B.BRITTEN: Peter Grimes, Op.33 Ellen Orford “Embroidery in Childhood” Burcu SOYSEV
        C.FLOYD: Susannah Susannah “The Trees on the Mountains” Ayşe Sinem EKŞİOĞLU
        Piyano: Aslıhan KORKMAZ
        Konserin süresi yaklaşık 70 dakikadır.

        • Begivenhedstype Konser.


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