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        Tryeza e zeze

        Drama Crime

        A phone call from Albania shocks Alex. At this point there is no going back!

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        Tryeza e zeze Film emne

        Tryeza e zeze film detaljer

        A phone call from Albania shocks Alex. His father has been killed and without a second thought he returns to take revenge. Alexi is young and must use all his experience to replace his father in the mafia clan where things are never as they seem. Meanwhile, as if to make the situation more difficult, a large amount of gold is stolen on the outskirts of the city. Enemies have increased and seek to kill Alex, but innocent people are killed because of him. At this point there is no going back. His revenge becomes bloodier and many secrets from the past come to light, intriguing to the end the family history, the relationship between the clans and the love story.

        • Visionsdato 18 januar 2024 torsdag
        • Filmtype Drama, Crime
        • Varighed 98 minutter

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