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        Adventure Comedy Animation

        The power of a wish in the magical world of Rosas! Asha and Yildiz fight the darkness to perform miracles.

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        Direktør: Chris Buck

        Wish Film emne

        Wish film detaljer

        In the film, set in Rosas, a fantastic country, sharp-witted idealist Asha makes her wish so strongly that her wish is answered by Star, a sphere of infinite energy, a power belonging to the universe. Asha and Yildiz enter into a tough fight with King Magnifico, the ruler of Rosas, and work shoulder to shoulder to save the society. 'The Wish' proves that miracles can happen when the will of a brave person is connected to the magic of the stars.

        • Visionsdato 20 november 2023 mandag
        • Filmtype Adventure, Comedy , Animation
        • Varighed 92 minutter

        Wish Skuespillere i filmen

        Wish film cast

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