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        6. SOLO Çağdaş Dans Festivali / 6th SOLO Contemporary Dance Festival

        Dans Tiyatrosu

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        6. SOLO Çağdaş Dans Festivali / 6th SOLO Contemporary Dance Festival

        Çağdaş/ kavramsal dans alanında bireysel hareket üzerine farklı bir bakış sunmayı amaçlayan Uluslararası SOLO Çağdaş Dans Festivali bu yıl altıncı kez 25, 26,27 Ağustos tarihlerinde CerModern Açıkhava Sahnesi’nde gerçekleştirilecek. CerModern tarafından yürütülen programın danışma ekibi bu alanda öncü çalışmalar yapan Deniz Alp, Özgür Adam ve Galip Emre’den oluşmaktadır. Sanatın tüm disiplinleriyle doğrudan ilişki kurmayı hedefleyen CerModern, günümüz dans sanatının en özgün yorumlarından olan bireysel dans kategorisinde açtığı perspektifle 3 gün sürecek festival boyunca ulusal ve uluslararası dans sanatçılarının gösterileri, atölye programları, sergi ve film gösterimleriyle izleyiciye zengin bir program sunuyor. 

        The International SOLO Contemporary Dance Festival, aiming to offer a brand new perspective on individual movement in the field of contemporary/conceptual dance, will take place for the sixth time on August 25, 26, 27 at CerModern Open-Air Stage. The advisory team of the program consists of Deniz Alp, Özgür Adam and Galip Emre who are considered high-placed in the field of contemporary dance. Aiming to establish a direct relationship with all disciplines of art, CerModern offers a rich festival program to the audience during the three-day events. The program contains performances of national and international artists, workshops, exhibitions, film screenings and many other events relating contemporary dance.

        Etkinlik Programı / Detailed Program

        25 Ağustos Cuma / 25 August Friday

        14:00-16:00 – Dance Workshop by James Sutherland at Foyer Area

        18:00-18.45 – Dance Workshop by Deniz Alp at CerModern Flow Area

        20:30– Tu Hoang

        20:39 – Olga Kalantzi

        20:49 – Deniz Uzuner

        20:56 – Giovanni Leonarduzzi

        21:08 – Mila Yenidoğan

        21:15 – Ceyda Özcan

        21:27 – Burak Kayıhan

        21:41 – End of the Performances

        26 Ağustos Cumartesi / 26 August Saturday

        14:00-15:30 – Dance Workshop by Tu Hoang at CerModern Foyer Area

        16:00–17:30 – Conference on the Sociology of Dance by Muzaffer Evci at Conference Hall

        20:30 – Bruno Duarte

        20:37 – Estelle Bezombes

        20:45 – Venüs Tepe

        20:55 – Neil Höhener

        21:03 – Yeşim Coşkun

        21:18 – Rosalie Wanka

        21:28 – End of the Performances

        22:30 – After party

        27 Ağustos Pazar / 27 August Sunday

        12.00-12.30 – Contemporary Dance For Children, Halil İbrahim Aygün

        14:00-15:30 – Dance Workshop by Sofia Casprini at CerModern Foyer Area

        20:30 – Razul Singh

        20:37 – Bettina Paletta

        20:47 – Sofia Casprini

        21:02 – Michal Vach

        21:10 – Becca Hoback

        21:18 – Orin Zvulun

        21:24 – Itamar Galina

        21:42 – End of the Performances

        22:30 – After party

        • Begivenhedstype Dans Tiyatrosu
        6. SOLO Çağdaş Dans Festivali / 6th SOLO Contemporary Dance Festival


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