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        The Kill Room

        Thriller Comedy

        When art, crime and intrigue come together, will you create the most precious painting of your life, or will you get lost between the lines?

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        The Kill Room Filmthema

        The Kill Room filmdetails

        Patrice Capullo has a problem; The art gallery does not make any money. Gordon has a bigger problem; While arranging murders can be lucrative for the mob, he and his friend Reggie need a better way to launder money. The accidental exposure of Patrices' drug dealer brings the art world into contact with the underworld and a plan is hatched. The only problem is Patrice needs something to sell. So Reggie taps into his inner artist and creates a painting that instantly sells for an incredibly high price. Things get complicated when this mysterious new artist's hefty prize accidentally leaks out.

        • Visionsdatum 20 November 2023 Montag
        • Filmtyp Thriller, Comedy
        • Dauer 98 Protokoll

        The Kill Room Schauspieler des Films

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        Teşekkürler Yorumunuz kaydedildi. Editörlerimiz tarafından onaylandıktan sonra görüntülenecek.
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