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        Killer Of The Flower Moon

        Drama Crime

        Murder by Riches: The Osage Massacre and the Struggle for Justice.

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        Killer Of The Flower Moon Sujet du film

        Killer Of The Flower Moon détails du film

        The film is about the Osage indigenous people, whose members were killed one by one when oil was discovered in the region where they lived in Oklahoma in the 1920s, and the investigation carried out by the FBI, which was still in a primitive state at that time, for this case.

        At the beginning of the 20th century, oil brought wealth to the Osage People, who became the richest people in the world overnight. This Native American wealth quickly attracted white traders who manipulated, extorted, and stole as much Osage money as possible, before resorting to murder.

        • Date de vision 30 octobre 2023 lundi
        • Type de film Drama, Crime
        • Durée 206 Minutes
        Killer Of The Flower Moon

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