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        KOT The Movie


        Historia tragjikomike e Qemalit do ju bëjë të qeshni!

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        KOT The Movie Sujet du film

        KOT The Movie détails du film

        Qemali, who with his naivety, often creates jobs for himself, in an insincere and problematic Tirana. This time Qemal's troubles are still big.

        K.O.T (Katunars Of Tirana), is a comedy film, brought by NGOP Media, as a continuation of the series with the same name. After the indisputable success of the series on the YouTube platform, the charming actresses of NGOP, Marsijon Durmishi and Grei Dajlanaj, deal in a long feature film with the problems of our country, and in particular of the capital, of course first and narrated, from the comic point of view of the main character Qemalit. Qemali, a boy from the village, who, with his naivety, often creates jobs for himself, in an insincere and problematic Tirana. This time Qemal's troubles are even bigger, as a little boy appears at his door, claiming to be his son. Qemal's efforts to make a living, now for a larger family, seem to be on the wrong track, when he is employed as the gardener of a corrupt Minister. It is this moment that introduces our character into a saga of deceptions, intrigues, and corrupt affairs. Qemali's kindness will be used by the Minister and his corrupt staff, who try to use Qemali as "balloon fodder". There are many comical situations during this film and skillfully brought, making it possible for the whole tragic situation in which Qemali is often placed, not to eclipse the endless laughs that this character causes during this Odyssey.

        • Date de vision 30 avril 2024 mardi
        • Type de film Comedy
        • Durée 100 minutes

        KOT The Movie Acteurs du film

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