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        Roast Battle - English Comedy Show

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        Roast Battle - English Comedy Show

        Roasting season is finally upon us! Be ready for non-stop giggles, eye-popping zingers, and a night of unforgettable burns.

        Armed with their wits, sharp tongues, and hilarious quips Hassan OJ, Sangerim, Berkin Kırbıyık and Fatih Bayrakçıl will face one another in tournament style battles where only one comic will emerge victorious. These four names are notorious among their friends for delivering the harshest truths but with their funniest twists. No holds barred!

        The stakes are high; as the first ever roast battle by HA3 Comedy and Standup Turkey, the winner takes home the cash prize and the title of Roast Master.

        So, circle the date, call up the gang, and enjoy a night of guilt free schadenfreude!

        * The show is entirely in English and is intended for a mature audience.

        * There's a limited capacity so get your tickets now before they run out!

        • Type d'événement Se lever
        • Durée 120 Minutes
        Roast Battle - English Comedy Show

        Règles de l'événement

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