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        TuzBiber English Comedy Night

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        TuzBiber English Comedy Night Stand Up

        Yaş Sınırı: 18+

        Süre: 120 dakika

        TuzBiber is proud to present some of the most hilarious local and global talents to your liking. Come join us on the best English night out at Hillside Live Etiler.
        MC. Murat Gencoglu
        Rom Furcifer
        Hassan OJ
        Ceylan Ünal
        Ege Öztokat

        -MC. Murat Gencoglu is a global comedian. After living in the UK for 5 years he is now fluent in humour in both Turkish and English comedy. His dark but cute jokes will give you laughtery overload.
        -Rom Furcifer is an Iranian comic who has been doing comedy for more than 4 years in Budapest. He just moved to Turkey for while and brought his insane, absurdist, and manic flavour of comedy as a souvenir. He might have an uptight persona on stage, but he has nothing but love for everyone disregarding their differences.
        -Hassan OJ is a young multilingual comedian from Pakistan who studies and works in Istanbul, He's been here for two years but already has a lot to say. He will either become a Computer engineer or a Comedian and you get to decide.
        -Ceylan Ünal is a bilingual comedian who studied and worked in U.S. for 9 years. She has been performing in both English and Turkish; telling her stories in a tone that women talk only when they are among themselves. This Generation X woman is no longer "nice" she prefers to be "naughty" on stage.
        -Ege Oztokat is a stand-up, improviser, and writer. She trained long-form improv and she performs with her improv troupe. She hosts two Turkish podcasts. She can’t sing but insists on doing so.

        • Lloji i ngjarjes Ngrihu
        • Kohëzgjatja 120 minutë

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