Një relikt alien zgjedh Jaime Reyes si mikpritësin e saj simbiotik, duke i dhuruar adoleshentit një kostum të blinduar që është i aftë për fuqi të jashtëzakonshme dhe të paparashikueshme, duke ndryshuar përgjithmonë fatin e tij ndërsa ai bëhet superheroi Blue Beetle.
- Data e Vizionit 18 gusht 2023 e premte
- Lloji i filmit Aksion, Aventurë, Fantashkencë
- Kohëzgjatja 127 minutë
- Shënues inteligjentë
Sabri K.
Filimden anlamayan izlemesin
0 përdoruesit pajtohen me këtë koment.
Fatih O.
Mohamed E.
it has some good laughs inside, it isnt your typical Marvel or DC movie but the main character acting skills are awesome, its a movie to go watch if you have a free time and want to enjoy your time, but it isn't in anyway on the same level of spiderman no way home, i thought black adam was a little better than it, although (spoiler alert: don't read this upcoming part if you dont want spoilers) the movie is really good on character development...it's not the best...but its a good uprising story for a hero, the movie script could have been better, cgi is 8.7/10 pretty good, overall not a bad movie.
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