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        A Journey Full of Mystery: Carmen's Extraordinary Adventure

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        Editor Rating

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        Event Rules

        1976 Cast

        Hugo Medina
        Hugo Medina Father Sánchez
        Amalia Kassai
        Amalia Kassai Leonor
        Luis Cerda
        Luis Cerda Pedro
        Salvador Guenel
        Salvador Guenel Andrés
        Marcial Tagle
        Marcial Tagle Osvaldo
        Vilma Verdejo
        Vilma Verdejo Julita
        Yasna Ríos
        Yasna Ríos Silvia
        Francisco Ossa
        Francisco Ossa Father Rafael
        Jacinta Vidal
        Jacinta Vidal Aurora
        Mora Recalde
        Mora Recalde Nurse
        Marco Antonio Donoso
        Marco Antonio Donoso Maestro Jefe
        Ernesto Meléndez
        Ernesto Meléndez Maestro Joven
        Cesar Campusano
        Cesar Campusano Reading Group for the Blind
        Patricio Lever
        Patricio Lever Reading Group for the Blind
        Yolanda Navarro
        Yolanda Navarro Reading Group for the Blind
        Patricia Rodríguez
        Patricia Rodríguez Reading Group for the Blind
        Gastón Chamorro
        Gastón Chamorro Ironmonger
        Jorge Castillo
        Jorge Castillo Policeman 1
        Francisco Ovalle
        Francisco Ovalle Policeman 2
        Paula Godoy
        Paula Godoy Corpse Woman
        Pablo Valenzuela
        Pablo Valenzuela Mirror Man
        Gabriela Gonzalez
        Gabriela Gonzalez Young Maid
        Wally Flores
        Wally Flores Medic

        1976 Backstage