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        Son Akşam Yemeği

        Drama Historical

        The Last Supper: Feel the Birth of the Republic in the Kitchen. Witness the Moments That Changed Turkey's Destiny!

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        Editor Rating

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        2 Comment

        Event Rules

        Son Akşam Yemeği Cast

        Onur Tuna
        Onur Tuna Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
        Azra Aksu
        Azra Aksu Elif
        Pelin Akil
        Pelin Akil Latife Hanım
        Necip Memili
        Necip Memili Mahmut
        Aslı Tandoğan
        Aslı Tandoğan Elif'in Annesi
        Cemal Hünal
        Cemal Hünal Komutan Wilson
        Haydar Şahin
        Haydar Şahin Yaver Muzaffer

        Son Akşam Yemeği Backstage