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        Özgür Yetkinoğlu

        Sales Events

        Özgür Yetkinoğlu sales events

        AnkaraAnkara Tickets

        22 October Tuesday, 20:30 Ahududu Konum
        MEB Şura Salonu
        Organization SoldOut Event
        400.00 ₺ Prices starting from BİLET FİYATLARITicket Prices

        BursaBursa Tickets

        30 September Monday, 20:00 Ahududu Konum
        BAOB Sahne, Bursa
        Organization SoldOut Event

        İstanbul Anadoluİstanbul Anadolu Tickets

        03 October Thursday, 20:30 Ahududu Konum
        Kadıköy Eğitim Sahnesi
        Last 7 Ticket Before The Seats Sold Out Buy Your Ticket
        Organization SoldOut Event
        500.00 ₺ Prices starting from BİLET FİYATLARITicket Prices
        18 November Monday, 20:00 Ahududu Konum
        Kadıköy Eğitim Sahnesi
        Organization SoldOut Event
        500.00 ₺ Prices starting from BİLET FİYATLARITicket Prices

        İstanbul Avrupaİstanbul Avrupa Tickets

        06 October Sunday, 18:30 Ahududu Konum
        Trump Sahne
        Organization SoldOut Event
        500.00 ₺ Prices starting from BİLET FİYATLARITicket Prices
        10 October Thursday, 20:30 Ahududu Konum
        AKM Tiyatro Salonu
        Organization Tiyatrokare
        700.00 ₺ Prices starting from BİLET FİYATLARITicket Prices
        17 November Sunday, 19:00 Ahududu Konum
        Trump Sahne
        Organization SoldOut Event
        500.00 ₺ Prices starting from BİLET FİYATLARITicket Prices

        İzmirİzmir Tickets

        Organization SoldOut Event
        500.00 ₺ Prices starting from BİLET FİYATLARITicket Prices
        29 September Sunday, 19:00 Ahududu Konum
        Bostanlı Suat Taşer Tiyatrosu
        Organization Tiyatrokare
        400.00 ₺ Prices starting from BİLET FİYATLARITicket Prices

        Who is Özgür Yetkinoğlu?


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