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        VE KAZANAN

        Adult Theater

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        VE KAZANAN... 

        Büyük Oyunu

         2 Perde -

        Yaş Sınırı: +16

        Yazan Mitch Albom
        Çeviren & Yöneten Buğra Koçtepe

        Oyunun konusu:

        Oskar heykelciği... Hollywood'da her oyuncunun rüyası, kazanmak uğruna bedeller odediği biricik ödül. Tam da onu kazandığınız gün, beklenmedik bir sürpriz sizi törenden alıkoysa n'apardınız? "Ve kazanan..." bu cümlenin ardından gelecek heykelciği, hayatın merkezine koyan sinema endüstrisine getirilen eğlenceli bir eleştiri... Yer yer kahkahaya boğan, yer yer göz yaşartan kaçırılmayacak romantik bir komedi.

        • Event Type Adult Theater
        VE KAZANAN

        Cast and crew

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        VE KAZANAN Tickets and Prices

        İzmirVE KAZANAN İzmir Tickets

        AdresKonak Sahnesi
        AdresKonak Sahnesi
        9 seats will be available for sale 24 hours before the seance. You can purchase youth tickets from the Sanat Cepte application.
        AdresKonak Sahnesi
        9 seats will be available for sale 24 hours before the seance. You can purchase youth tickets from the Sanat Cepte application.
        AdresKonak Sahnesi
        9 seats will be available for sale 24 hours before the seance. You can purchase youth tickets from the Sanat Cepte application.
        AdresKonak Sahnesi
        9 seats will be available for sale 24 hours before the seance. You can purchase youth tickets from the Sanat Cepte application.
        AdresKonak Sahnesi
        9 seats will be available for sale 24 hours before the seance. You can purchase youth tickets from the Sanat Cepte application.
        AdresKonak Sahnesi
        9 seats will be available for sale 24 hours before the seance. You can purchase youth tickets from the Sanat Cepte application.
        AdresKonak Sahnesi
        9 seats will be available for sale 24 hours before the seance. You can purchase youth tickets from the Sanat Cepte application.
        AdresKonak Sahnesi
        9 seats will be available for sale 24 hours before the seance. You can purchase youth tickets from the Sanat Cepte application.
        AdresKonak Sahnesi
        9 seats will be available for sale 24 hours before the seance. You can purchase youth tickets from the Sanat Cepte application.
        Ticket Prices alt

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