Yan Rol Theatre Play Tickets
Age Limit : +12
Duration: 70 min.
Side Role tells the story of a woman confronting her profession, her closest friends and her family.
A female actress, who is always seen as a friend, who is positioned as the main girl's friend even in her own life, comes to us and starts to share her story with us.
The roles she didn't get, her relationship with her best friend, her father, her mother, and the pressure of the society start to become too much for her to keep quiet. In this interrogation of her inability to feel a leading role in her own life, she will not forget to take a look at the power relations in life. "He is the hero of his own story and this time I will not be a side role in his story!"
Direklerarası Theater Awards 2023
"One Man Production"
Üstün Akmen Theater Awards 2022 - 2023
"Female Comedy Actress of the Year"
- Event Type Comedy
- Duration 65 minutes